
比尔·蒙迪商学院 recognizes the support of its 咨询委员会. 通过会员的努力和持续的贡献, our school has been able to actualize visions of academic excellence and integrity.


GPG Ventures投资合伙人  

一位经验丰富的投资者和高管, 克莱尔英格兰是GPG Ventures的投资合伙人, a healthcare venture capital firm with more than 100 portfolio companies nationally. GPG opens venture-quality investing opportunities in the $4.3万亿美元.S. 面向家族办公室和个人的医疗保健市场, who invest in companies directly alongside the firm's partners. 该公司建立在60多年的医疗保健基础上, 操作, and financial experience with an extensive syndicate investor network and offices in Dallas, 休斯顿, 和奥斯汀.

In addition to GPG, she's a partner in two Portfolia funds, Food & 农业科技和FemTech, 她在哪里进行了22次投资, 还是一家影响力投资咨询公司的合伙人, 乐活. 她也是考夫曼研究员, a leading innovation post-graduate program and global network of 880+ values-based VCs and LPs, 也是Private Equity Women Investor Network的成员, 或PEWIN.

以前, 克莱尔发展了一个德州LP网络, 德州中部天使网络, 成为全国公认的早期投资社区,拥有200名个人和家族办公室投资者,在美国排名第一.S. 在她的领导下, LPs deployed $75M into 95 new startups and dozens of portfolio companies in five years, 同时远远超过风险投资的平均回报率.

在那之前, 她主持了一次大规模的创始人和投资者会议,这次会议对奥斯汀的企业家生态系统发展到今天的样子至关重要. 作为一家社交媒体服务初创公司的第一位全职员工,她对创业产生了热情. 创业之前, 她花了十年时间领导市场营销, 通信, 以及非营利部门的筹款.

克莱尔有丰富的公开演讲经验, 是一个熟练的小组主持人吗, and has taught university undergraduate and postgraduate business school classes as a guest lecturer. 她以优异的成绩和院长名单的认可毕业,并成为国家新闻荣誉协会的入选者.

她在圣。. 365比分网电竞’s Business School Board of Advisors and mentors founders at accelerators, 包括Capital Factory和Techstars. 克莱尔的工作获得了考夫曼研究员领导奖和奥斯汀商业杂志的权力入围奖.

Chris Ragland, 05届工商管理硕士,2010届工商管理硕士


二十多年来,Chris一直担任数十家公司的合伙人或负责人,提供不同级别的领导和支持. 他拥有多样化的战略管理技能,并不断提高和展示他通过创建忠诚的团队成功发展业务的不可思议的能力, 狂热的文化, 以及他周围人的个人成长.

Chris has a broad base of 行业 experience including real estate, 私募股权和高科技, 等. 除了国内事务, 克里斯拥有国际商业背景,曾在拉丁美洲参与多个项目, 欧洲, 和亚洲.

He has worked with businesses at all levels ranging from enterprise clients such as Adobe, 博世, 宝马, 和美国运通, 本地拥有和经营的小企业. 他曾在资本市场担任领导职务, 操作, 金融, 及行政办公室, 同时参与多项并购.

活跃于当地和全球社区, Chris has volunteered for dozens of mission-oriented and professional non-profit organizations. He has served as a Board member or 委员会 member for many organizations such as Ballet Austin Guild, 步道保护协会, 串线湾, 足球帮助, 美国私人贷款协会, 还有很多其他的. In 2019 Chris was appointed to the 校董会 for St. 他是爱德华大学的受托人之一, 受托人, 以及对学生事务委员会的机构监督. 2022年,Chris被提名并任命为the Trail Conservancy的董事会成员,在那里他担任捐赠委员会成员. Chris is a two-time nominee for the Austin 40 Under 40 Award for his work in the community. In 2019 he was awarded the prestigious Member of the Year Award, 由美国私人贷款协会提供, 感谢他对协会和

In 2020 Chris realized a lifelong dream and founded his “forever company”, 他是一家名为“Ragland”的另类投资管理公司,在那里他与家族理财室和高净值个人密切合作,帮助他们在各个市场的资本配置策略, 国外和国内. 2021年,Ragland推出了首只私人投资基金, allowing accredited investors to participate in the same strategy as family offices. 从那时起, Ragland has added additional offerings in diverse sectors including Real Estate, 航空, 银行, 热情好客, 和国际私募股权.

克里斯担任总部位于德国的组织发展和管理咨询公司的美洲地区首席顾问, Synnecta, 也是拉格兰控股有限责任公司的控股负责人, his family investment firm with more than two dozen interests in its portfolio.

Chris holds a BA in 创业 as well as an MBA in Global 创业 from St. 奥斯汀的爱德华大学, 德州, 而且是位于卡斯特洛的豪梅普里梅罗大学经济学和商学博士课程的“几乎是论文”, 西班牙.

小格雷戈里·吉布森. 09年,12年mba

创始人 & HBCU脑力之战的执行董事

Gregory earned his BBA and his MBA in the Bill Munday School of Business. Early in his career, he worked in the corporate tech sector at AMD and Dell. 对科技行业缺乏多样性感到沮丧, he sought to make change by working in higher education and founding his own nonprofit organization. 

格雷戈里是创始人 & HBCU脑力之战的执行主任, a business and tech invitational competition held annually for HBCUs. 来自全国各地的60所hbcu学校派出了他们最优秀、最聪明的学生,代表各个领域——商业——参加竞争, 通信, 工程, 数学, 市场营销, 公共政策, 科学, 和技术. Teams are required to provide a comprehensive solution to the designated issue. HBCU的脑力之战在突出不同的人才和为服务不足的学生创造机会方面取得了巨大成功. Tech and business firms big and small come to the Battle every year to mentor competitors, 评判比赛, 为他们的企业招聘人才. 他将这些机会扩大到西班牙裔服务机构,并于2020年成立HSI脑力之战. 

2012年,Gregory创立了Dashingfoot, 一家品牌战略咨询公司,将技术知识与品牌专业知识相结合,帮助客户从一个标志发展到完全形成的企业形象. From 2013-2018 he served as president of the Austin Chapter for the National Black MBA Association. 

For four years, Gregory served at Huston-Tillotson University, a local HBCU. 他参加了休斯顿蒂洛森商学院的顾问委员会,是小企业管理的兼职教授. 他热衷于为服务不足社区的成员开发商业机会,并热衷于在技术领域创造多样性.


创始人 & Falkon Ventures首席执行官

Kyle是Falkon Ventures的创始人兼首席执行官, 这是一个创新的风险投资基金,旨在为那些以积极改变行业和世界为使命的公司在新的创业环境中促进创新. 在Falkon Ventures之前, 凯尔是生命防护最初团队的一员, 这家总部位于圣地亚哥的消费电子公司在三年内从三个人发展到超过250名员工,遍布三大洲. LifeProof’s meteoric growth led to its successful acquisition by Otterbox in 2013.

他也是Syndicap的联合创始人, 通过激励风险投资基金在不同阶段和垂直领域进行合作,以配合行业融合,风险投资网络正在改变行业的态度. Kyle对创新的创造性好奇心和对合作的热情促使他在影响力领域开展工作, 包括西班牙裔联盟, 生存的理由, The Andy Roddick Foundation and 比尔·蒙迪商学院 at St. 365比分网电竞. 他在非营利组织的工作, 基金会和社会企业致力于通过实施社会企业模式和开创新的风险投资模式来创造可持续和可扩展的影响.


RSM US LLP税务和商业咨询合伙人

凯文·芬奇(凯文·芬奇)现任奥斯汀地区制造商协会(ARMA)首席执行官, 用他丰富的经验来倡导, 开发, 连接德州中部的制造业社区. 自2024年1月起担任该职务, Kevin collaborates with a dedicated team to tackle pressing 行业 challenges, 包括熟练劳动力短缺和监管影响, 通过宣传, 员工发展, 和网络.

Kevin also had more than 7 years as a Tax and Business Advisory Partner at RSM US LLP, where he steers the Austin office's technology and life sciences 行业 practice. 有超过20年的公共会计经验, 凯文的专长涉及公司税务, 兼并与收购, 国际税务结构, 和更多的, positioning him as a valuable resource for a wide range of tax and 行业 topics.

Kevin对社区的承诺进一步体现在他作为ARMA财务主管的创始参与和持续服务中. He also serves as President of the University of Arizona AustinCats 校友 Chapter, showcasing his dedication to both professional and community engagement.

持有亚利桑那大学会计和金融双学士学位,并在亚利桑那州和德克萨斯州获得注册会计师执照, Kevin是美国注册会计师协会和德州注册会计师协会的杰出成员.



As senior vice president of Comerica Bank’s Technology and Life 科学s Division, Paul负责德克萨斯州中部和南部地区的技术贷款实践和投资组合管理. Paul earned a bachelor’s degree in 金融 from The 德克萨斯大学 at Austin and an MBA from St. 365比分网电竞.

Paul Munguia, 08年


有丰富的操作经验, 金融, 以及增长战略, Paul serves as a valuable advisor to early-stage founders and business owners. He is dedicated to working with companies across various stages and sizes, 专注于简化挑战, 加强操作, 制定一条清晰的增长道路.

Paul is known for his ability to offer insightful perspectives that get to the heart of issues, 确保为未来的成功打下坚实的基础. 他对实际解决方案和战略发展的承诺使他成为我们董事会和我们所服务的更广泛社区不可或缺的资产.

若云徐基莲' 13


若云徐基莲, 以人为本的商业顾问和演讲者, is on a mission to put the human experience back into marketing and business. 在过去的15年里, 若云建议品牌从营销中抽身出来,重新建立关系,在社区中发挥影响力. She believes that by humanizing the way we do business, in turn society can lean into humanity. 

She loves solving puzzles for brands as they continue to scale sustainably. She has helped create sustainable marketing systems with brands such as BigCommerce, 宁静的孩子, 缓慢的北, 德克萨斯大学 Center for Sports 沟通 and Media & others through her individual work and at C3nami, the digital marketing agency she founded in 2015.

她热衷于让品牌背后的人成为真正的人,这给了若云一个在各种组织和活动上发言的平台,包括Bumble Bizz, 圣爱德华大学, 德克萨斯大学, 康科迪亚大学, ACC时尚孵化器, 德克萨斯州商业女性会议, 举几个例子.